Of je nou een ouwe rot in het vak bent of net geinteresseerd raakt in het medium radio en dan specifieker Top 40 Radio of CHR, het is altijd leerzaam om te kijken hoe dingen ontstaan zijn.
Waar komen de hoge rotaties van de hits vandaan, waarom werden de dj's hun mond gesnoerd en mochten ze nauwelijks iets zeggen buiten time/temp/station? Als je weet waarom het toen bedacht is, kom je er achter dat nog steeds een heleboel dingen op de Nederlandse radio zo gebeuren...terwijl ze achterhaald zijn door de wereld om de radio heen.
Maar niettemin fascinerend om te lezen hoe Boss Radio 93 KHJ Los Angeles onder leiding van Bill Drake en Ron Jacobs het meest georganiseerde en doordachte station en format werd van die tijd en misschien wel aller tijden. Erg cool ook dat de echte jock-memo's er in terug te vinden zijn:
May 2, 1967
From: Ron Jacobs
The response to the BIRTHDAY contest is incredible. I'd estimate that the items we've already received represent 10,000 man-hours. Really well thought out and inventive material coming in. This shows...more than anything we've ever done...how much loyalty and identity KHJ has built in the last two years. It also proves that we don't ever have to say we're number one...the audience knows it. Make it sound like you appreciate both the message ("Happy Birthday") and the time and creativity that went into the card. Don't use words like "thing" and "stuff" when describing. Above all, NO SARCASM when describing the cards! A lot of effort went into the finalists' cards...you put some effort into your description. Any two-dimensional cut-and-past job is a COLLAGE. Any three-dimensional item is with a CONSTRUCTION or an ASSEMBLAGE. There are also MOBILES, (hanging decorated items like champagne bottles, shoes, model planes, etc.) Describe how it was done: paint, crayon, ink, pencil, pentel, felt pen, etc. If there's a poem, READ IT . . . Give its SIZE...SHAPE..COLOR...GENERAL DESCRIPTION...and written message. Be factual...don't say it's "incredible, out of sight, unbelievable" and leave out what it is. These people are sincere. You be the same in acknowledging their efforts . . . Do not talk after the :19 two punch.
Het boek bestellen kan via 93 KHJ - Inside Boss Radio